Doctor Who: 10 Best NuWho Performances From Guest Stars

8. Toby Jones As The Dream Lord - Amy’s Choice (Series 5, Episode 7)

Doctor Who The Waters of Mars Adelaide Brooke
BBC Studios

Amy’s Choice presents a fantastic sci fi narrative, where The Doctor and his companions are presented with two very different realities, but which one is a dream and which is real?

At the centre of this crisis is the Dream Lord, the psychic manifestation of The Doctor’s dark side, who taunts Amy on her split loyalty between her childhood imaginary friend and her boyfriend, the bumbling Rory Williams.

Toby Jones is unforgettable as the manipulative, chilling Dream Lord. He simply chews the scenery and steals the show with his undeniable charm, delivering a magnetic performance with unsettling implications for The Doctor.

His charisma often gets him in trouble, but how entertaining to see the sometimes arrogant Doctor be brought down a peg by a literal manifestation of himself.

Whether Jones is dressed as a local village butcher, or clad in only a black Kimono, he shines in every aspect of this role and elevates the already strong episode to a whole other level.

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Writer. Lover of film and scarily obsessed with Doctor Who, Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar and Harry Potter.