Doctor Who: 10 Best TARDIS Interior Designs

4. The Ninth And Tenth Doctor's TARDIS (2005-2010)

Doctor Who classic TARDIS interior
BBC/Twitter: @russelldavies63

When Russell T Davies brought the show back in 2005, he had to think very tactfully about how he was going to reintroduce this bonkers concept to a 21st Century audience, who mostly saw the show as an old joke. The result? Add as much grit and grunge as possible, giving us a TARDIS that ditched the retro for a more organic look, with a slightly spooky atmosphere- seriously listen to the audio of this interior isolated, it’s definitely breathing! The TARDIS was now haunting and mellow, with the aesthetic of a sunken ship, rusting away and infested with sea-life, highlighted by the coral pillars and roundels that look suspiciously like barnacles.

The atmosphere of this TARDIS was extremely adaptable, if the Doctor was feeling lonely, the TARDIS accentuated this with it’s big, round, empty space. Alternatively, when occupied, this TARDIS felt alive and adventurous, which gave the show a real sense of ‘swash-buckling’ excitement. This interior suited the Ninth and Tenth Doctors to a tee, and perfectly conveyed the journey they made from the lonely wanderer, to the man with the biggest family on Earth- and then back to the lonely wanderer again.

Also, those battered old car seats really give a run-down, ‘Millennium Falcon’-style vibe, which is always a great aesthetic.

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A mostly bored individual who finds solace in ranting and discussing Doctor Who to anyone who cares and wants to listen. Likes Doctor Who so much he trained professionally as an actor to increase his chances of snagging the title role. Also likes other things as well. Would describe himself as a semi-hipster.