Doctor Who: 10 Big Questions After Death In Heaven
The fates of Clara, Missy and the Doctor; some big questions after the finale...
Death In Heaven truly delivered this week, drawing Doctor Who series eight to a dramatic end and serving to close a number of on-going story lines. Danny met a tragic end but still managed to say goodbye to Clara and save humanity. Missy upped the villain stakes, killing people left right and center but still managing to engage with the Doctor on an emotional level. Clara went through the ringer one more time and the Cybermen continued to have their greatest couple of episodes since Doctor Who returned in 2005 - perhaps their best story since 1968's The Invasion. The episode didn't have the big revelations of Dark Water but it did deliver on those momentous cliffhangers. Missy's plan was finally revealed in an unexpected way; she created the Cyberman army for the Doctor, not to defeat him. Danny got to play the solider one more time and makes amends to the child he killed, even if that did lead to his eventual demise. Clara finally made a decision about her life and left the Doctor. And the titular hero himself? Well he saved the world - becoming its President in the process - defeating the Master / Missy, saving humanity and destroying the Cyberman menace. But as satisfying as the resolution to Death In Heaven was, the episode still left us with some unanswered questions, not just about the events that took place this week, but series eight as a whole. There were only a couple of minor plot holes thanks to Steven Moffat's taught script. At the same time, there is much to ponder on too. In this article we look at the 10 biggest questions Death In Heaven left us and debate what they mean for the Doctor, Clara and the show as a whole moving forward. Click NEXT for number 10...