Doctor Who: 10 Biggest "OMG!" Moments In New Who

9. Amy Is Flesh - The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People

Dr Who Regenerates

Season 6 is often regarded as not the best in terms of quality. This is partly because it has the unfair job of having to follow the perfectly executed season 5, which most fans agree is one of the best seasons of the show. It also represents then -showrunner Steven Moffat going, well, full Moffat. Many of the criticisms that would follow Moffat during his time as showrunner originate here in season 6; there is so much going on as the show tries to tell a hugely ambitious story spanning space and time and not necessarily occurring in the right order. It is a noble thing for Moffat to have attempted but unfortunately it all culminated in a lacklustre finale. That being said, season 6 does have moments that truly hit you out of nowhere and make you exclaim “OMG!”

In the concluding moments of this fairly solid two-part story, The Doctor confronts Amy Pond on the TARDIS. All season up to this point we’ve been seeing the TARDIS scanner alternately declaring Amy pregnant and not pregnant. Most fans were probably expecting some sort of wibbly-wobbely-timey-wimey explanation for this, but what we got was actually more surprising because it is unexpected.

Having spent the two parter facing off against “the flesh”, living replicas of human beings designed to work dangerous jobs so as to avoid putting human life at risk. It becomes apparent that “the flesh” are every bit as human as the people they are cloned from; having emotions and dreams and a survival instinct. It initially seems like a standard monster of the week episode, perfectly serviceable with no lasting impact on the plot. That is until the moment that The Doctor reveals that Amy Pond has in fact been a flesh avatar all along!

This was a shocking surprise for fans and a definite ”OMG!” moment as fans were forced to watch well-loved companion Amy dissolve into a puddle of goop. Needless to say, there was huge excitement built up going into the next episode, which would feature more surprising twists itself...

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.