Doctor Who: 10 Biggest "OMG!" Moments In New Who

7. Who Is River Song? - A Good Man Goes To War

Dr Who Regenerates

The episode that saw season 6 go onto its mid-season break as well as the answer to a mystery that had been posed since the season 4 two partner Silence In The Library/Forest Of The Dead. This episode is like a mini season finale, epic in scale and gleefully bombastic.

The Doctor recruits a multitude of his friends from previous adventures and, along with Rory, heads off to Demon’s Run to rescue Amy Pond (see the previous entry where we revealed she was a flesh avatar) from the villainous Madame Kovarian and her army of mercenaries and headless monks. It’s a pretty epic episode that features appearances from the Cybermen, the Sontarans, the Silurians, River Song, and more.

Interestingly the episode isn’t really about the battle of Demon’s Run itself, but rather the aftermath of it. As The Doctor is forced to deal with the losses suffered in battle and face up to the fact that he is not viewed as a healer by many but as a terrible warrior, a force of destruction to be feared. It’s all quite gloomy but things really reach a climax in the very last minutes of the episode as River Song finally reveals her true identity; she is Melody Pond, the daughter of Amy and Rory. Why the name change you ask? Well that’s simple; a human from The Gamma Forests stitches a name tag star for the young baby but, being forest dwellers, they don’t have a word for pond as the only water in the forest is the river.

The mystery of River Song was one of the longest drawn-out mysteries in New Who so to finally get an answer to that conundrum was a genuine surprise. This one probably made you say “OMG!” twice; once for the actual reveal and again when you realised how weird it is that The Doctor snogged Amy and Rory’s daughter.

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.