Doctor Who: 10 Biggest "OMG!" Moments In New Who

6. Bill Is A Cyberman - World Enough And Time/The Doctor Falls

Dr Who Regenerates

The Moffat era of Doctor Who has its fair share of critics but it is undeniable that he pulled it out of the bag for the season 10 finale. Deciding to test Missy’s progress in her journey to become a good guy, The Doctor takes her, Bill and Nardole on an adventure and convinces Bill and Nardole to pose as companions for Missy. Landing on a spaceship caught in the grip of a black hole, things promptly go wrong when a panicked crew member on the ship gets an itchy trigger finger and blasts a hole the size of a dinner plate in Bill’s chest.

The Doctor and Bill spend most of the remaining episode separated by 500 floors of spaceship, the effects of time dilation meaning that time runs much slower for The Doctor than for Bill. Bill is surgically repaired in the ship’s hospital and, now with the addition of a clunky chest piece that keeps her alive, takes up residence with the hospital’s janitor, Razor.

As a mere few minutes pass for The Doctor up near the black hole, years and years pass for Bill and the other residents at the bottom of the ship. When The Doctor finally does make it down to lower levels, the show throws multiple “OMG” moments at us; firstly we discover that this ship and all its inhabitants originate from the planet Mondas. Those of you clued in on your classic Who knowledge will know that as the home planet of the Cybermen. Then we reveal that Razor has actually been the previous incarnation of The Master in disguise this entire time! “OMG! Two Masters!?!” You cry? Well that’s not all, because the episode ends by revealing that The Doctor is tragically too late, Bill Potts has been fully converted into a classic Mondasian Cyberman.

The Doctor losing companions is nothing new, but it isn’t often a companion is actually killed and even less often they are then turned into a Cyberman, for a Doctor who, by that point, had become all about being kind it feels particularly harsh. As for the twist involving the return of John Simms’ Master? Well, if it weren’t for the fact the BBC themselves spoiled it by including him in trailers and announcing it publicly, that probably would have been one of the greatest surprise reveals in the shows history. Talk about missed opportunity.

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.