Doctor Who: 10 Biggest "OMG!" Moments In New Who

3. Exterminate The Doctor - The Stolen Earth/Journey's End

Dr Who Regenerates
BBC Studios

The ending of season 2, Doomsday, has often been praised as a heart breaking piece of television drama. Following a huge battle across London, Rose Tyler has been trapped on a parallel earth. For the first time since she was a baby she has her entire family, but now she doesn’t want it. Now she wants the only thing she cannot have; The Doctor, still stuck in his normal reality. The Doctor’s final conversation with her is perhaps a little over-wrought but it works. It doesn’t just kick you in the feels, it grabs those feels and piledrives. Twice.

When it was announced that Billie Piper would return to the show in the finale of the fourth season, fans couldn’t wait. The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End was the biggest event in Doctor Who’s history at the time, possibly in all of TV. Like Infinity War a decade before there was an Infinity War, The Stolen Earth sees The Daleks ascend to a universal threat, literally stealing planets out of the sky to form their giant “reality bomb” which will…shred the universe down to atoms…hmm, RTD may want to talk to Marvel about ripping him off.

The Stolen Earth brings together all of Tennant’s previous companions, plus the cast of The Sarah Jane Adventures, the cast of Torchwood and even ex-Prime Minister Harriet Jones (yes, we know who she is) for a huge adventure. The pinnacle of which is obviously The Doctor reuniting with Rose. They see one another across a desolate street, the eyes go wide and they run to one another, arms open as the music soars and it is all so sweet. Until a Dalek shows up and promptly shoots the Doctor with its laser canon.

Rose, obviously distraught, Jack, Mickey and Sarah Jane drag The Doctor back to the TARDIS where the familiar golden glow begins to shine and the Doctor begins to regenerate. This was a huge cliffhanger ending that had fans screaming “OMG!” in their homes, to their friends and across message boards for a whole week, until the start of Journey’s End sort of took the wind out of its sails. Oops.

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.