Doctor Who: 10 Biggest "OMG!" Moments In New Who

2. The Void Ship - Army Of Ghosts/Doomsday

Dr Who Regenerates
BBC Studios

Speaking of the season 2 finale, before we get to Bad Wolf Bay and all the tears associated with it, we had to deal with the army of ghosts and the void ship. The void ship is a huge spherical object that, whilst being visible, technically doesn’t exist. It has no mass, volume or indeed any measurements at all. It appears over London and Torchwood build Canary Wharf in order to reach the ship and study it. Following soon behind is the Army of Ghosts who phase into reality when Torchwood use machines to disturb the barrier between parallel worlds. Whilst humanity is overjoyed to have their loved ones back, The Doctor is horrified. Messing with the barrier between reality risks shattering the whole thing and all of reality falling into the void.

Eventually The Doctor discovers that the “ghosts” are actually Cybermen, forcing their way across the void out of their parallel earth and into ours. It’s a familiar pattern already; season one saw a classic enemy return mid-season onto then become the threat of the finale. Everything look set for season 2 to follow the same pattern, until the final moments of Army of Ghosts. As the void ship begins to become real in our reality, The Doctor confronts the Cyberman and demands to know what is inside. Cyber leader? Cyber controller? Some sort of Cyber weapon, surely? But no, the Cybermen announce that they do not know what is inside the void ship or where it originated. They merely followed it through the void. Cue audiences sliding to the edges of their seats.

In the final climatic moments, the sphere opens as Rose and Mickey watch on with horror as four Daleks emerge, screaming their usual cry of “Exterminate!” This was a truly awesome moment for the show, not only because Daleks were still intimidating and dangerous back then (before they were overused appearing in every season), but because it made a playground fantasy come true. Every fandom loves to pit characters against one another. Who would win in a fight? Superman or Batman? Alien or Predator? Freddy or Jason? Doctor Who fans are no different and all of a sudden, the stuff of fanfiction became a reality; Daleks vs Cybermen. This moment was huge and a very close contender for the number one spot. Truly though, there could be only one number one…

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.