Doctor Who: 10 Biggest Facepalm Moments

1. The Entire Existence Of The Slitheen (Aliens Of London / World War Three)

The idea of ugly green aliens with uncontrollable flatulence who disguise themselves as members of Parliament sounds so much more like something a 9 year old would submit to Russell T Davies, but alas this gem came from nowhere else other than the brain of good ol' Russell. The most upsetting aspect of this episode was that it started off like it could have been great. You saw a spaceship crashing into Big Ben, a crossover from what would eventually become Torchwood, Harriet Jones' debut, Rose returning home after she was believed abducted and murdered, and a missing Prime Minister. Equally as upsetting is the fact that the Slitheen could have actually been decent one off aliens for the two parter had the infamous and hilarious flatulence not come into play. If you have a childish mind this aspect is extremely entertaining, but not much else about this episode. Considering the Abzorbaloff rather than the Slitheen was created by a 9 year old, this one episode always begs the question as to how NuWho ever got off the ground in the first place, but still no complaints... Any other moments in Doctor Who (classic or NuWho) that made you want to emulate Captain Picard once or twice? Sound off below!

Steve is an unrepentant nerd who enjoys all things Disney, Doctor Who, and Star Trek. He is currently finishing his undergraduate degree in political science at Temple University and divides his time between his homes in Philadelphia and Orlando.