Doctor Who: 10 Biggest Facepalm Moments

2. The Entire Existence Of The Abzorbaloff (Love & Monsters)

Alright, this was just plain silly. In what, if memory serves, was the first Doctor-lite episode of the revival, this fluff piece to follow The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit two parter is told from the perspective of original Doctor fangirls Elton and Ursula via their own camera footage. The monster of the episode, the Abzorbaloff, quite literally looks like something a 9 year old would draw himself and send to Russell T Davies to write into an episode and, well, that's exactly what happened. A mediocre episode with a decent script, the idea of fat green monsters that kill by absorbing the faces of its victims and the faces then protruding from its bodies is oddly enough only the second most cringeworthy alien in the history of NuWho, which is most certainly coming up next. However, this so-called aside episode format would be used again about a year later in a little episode called Blink, so consider this episode the beta test for what would eventually become a masterpiece.

Steve is an unrepentant nerd who enjoys all things Disney, Doctor Who, and Star Trek. He is currently finishing his undergraduate degree in political science at Temple University and divides his time between his homes in Philadelphia and Orlando.