Doctor Who: 10 Biggest Mistakes Of The Chris Chibnall Era

5. Too Many Companions

Doctor Who Jodie Whittaker Thirteenth Doctor
BBC Studios

Another radical idea from Chris Chibnall was the plan to introduce three regular companions for the first time in decades. This was an attempt to make the show more of an ensemble piece, as it was during the tenures of William Hartnell, and the first series of Peter Davison.

Sadly though, this meant that the TARDIS was heavily over-crowded throughout much of Jodie's run. Series 11 and Series 12 featured Graham, Ryan, and Yaz alongside Jodie, meaning that they often didn't get many lines, and had very little to do as individuals.

As a result, the companions never really saw much character development over their first two series. This was somewhat rectified after the departure of Graham and Ryan, but in the very next episode, Dan joins the TARDIS crew and it seems too busy once again.

Only in the very last moments of Jodie's finale do we get a brief moment of the Doctor and Yaz saying goodbye, which is incredibly touching and emotional, and something the Chibnall era certainly lacked throughout most of its episodes.

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