Doctor Who: 10 Biggest Plot Holes Of The Revived Series So Far

1. The Daleks Have Been Erased... Or Have They?


The Daleks are a relentless lot. Every time they are thought to be dead for sure, they come back for deadlier and stronger in numbers than ever before. It€'™s a given. After all, they're compared to a virus that can kill anything in contact. Surviving the Time War was impressive enough but twice in the revived series even all powerful gods have failed to get rid of them for good.

Rose Tyler once became the Bad Wolf after absorbing the Heart of the TARDIS and, when confronted by the Daleks, she erased millions of them from time and space. This should have been "bye bye Daleks forever, your future is now null and void", yet they've kept coming back time and time again. Impossible, really, seeing as the Bad Wolf should have seen it coming and erased the events of their comebacks before any of them had the chance to happen. Not so powerful after all, is she?

Then, another €œgod of time€ appeared in the form of Dalek Caan. Caan was just another ordinary Dalek until he did the impossible by time traveling back into the the Great Time War. Doing so cost him his sanity but he gained the ability to see time in its infinite complexity raging through his mind. Most importantly, it gave him the ability to manipulate destiny to his liking. With this ability, he made sure that the Doctor and Donna meet to create a butterfly effect which would ultimately lead to the Daleks' ultimate destruction.

Alas, after just 7 episodes, they came back again. This isn't the survival of the fittest anymore. It€™'s survival of the luckiest. Will their luck ever run out?

What did you think of this list? Are there any other plot holes in the revived series that should have been included? Join the discussion in the comments section below.


Once upon a time, Jon ended up in a huge dark room with a giant screen... and he never left.