Doctor Who: 10 Bizarre Powers You Forgot The Doctor Has

6. Stopping Both Hearts In Order To Play Dead

Doctor Who David Tennant

It's widely known that the Doctor has two hearts, and as seen in episodes like The Shakespeare Code and The Power Of Three, he really starts to struggle when one of them stops working.

But there's an underrated and overlooked trick that all Time Lords - ones that have been properly trained, at least - can pull off with their hearts, and that is to stop them beating, which comes in handy when a Time Lord wants to feign death.

We actually see Romana employ this tactic in the Fourth Doctor serial Destiny Of The Daleks, where she stops both of her hearts in order to appear dead, allowing her to escape from the Daleks. Then, when she meets up with the Doctor, she states "they taught me at school how to stop my hearts", implying that the Doctor - who also studied on Gallifrey - has this ability too.

This one actually sounds quite horrible, so it's no wonder we don't see Time Lords utilise it on a regular basis. Whether it's an intentional choice or not, imagine the feeling of your heart (or hearts) just stopping?

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