Doctor Who: 10 Bizarre Powers You Forgot The Doctor Has

5. Communication With Babies

Doctor Who David Tennant
BBC Studios

This one has barely been seen in the show so a lot of fans tend to forget that it's even a thing, but yes: the Doctor can speak to babies.

In the Series 6 episode A Good Man Goes To War, the Eleventh Doctor has a chat with Amy and Rory's newborn baby, Melody Pond, while the two parents stand there looking completely and utterly bemused. Supposedly, Melody insults the Doctor's bow tie, while also referring to Amy as "big milk thing". Cheeky little bugger.

When Amy asks the Doctor what he's doing, he simply claims "I speak baby."

Doctor Who A Good Man Goes To War Melody Pond

This ability then returned a few episodes later, with the Doctor appearing to understand all of the sounds and squeals made by Craig Owens' baby boy, Alfie - or, as he prefers to be called, Stormageddon: Dark Lord Of All.

Ordinarily, the Doctor is able to speak and understand any language he requires due to the TARDIS translation matrix helping him out, but crucially, said matrix also works with other people - like the Doctor's companions - and not just the Doctor.

However, when the Doctor talks to Melody and Alfie, Amy, Rory and Craig don't seem to have a clue what their children are saying, meaning that the matrix isn't in play: only the Doctor can communicate with babies in this manner.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.