Doctor Who: 10 Characteristics Peter Capaldi’s Doctor Should Have

1. Something From Mr. Capaldi Himself

Peter Capaldi Dw Live So I have said that I would like to see a gambling, detached, goal-oriented, romantically disinclined, flawed, stern-faced, witty, wordy, Scot-sounding Twelfth Doctor, but feel free to wholesale toss all of that to the mental rubbish bin. Because, above all, if I honestly had the chance to whisper in the ears of the man about to play the Doctor or any of the creative team over at Doctor Who, I would offer one piece of advice more important than those other nine suggestions combined. His version of the Doctor should be personal to Capaldi, he needs to find the elements of the Doctor he responds to most. Good characters stem from the connection between the creator and that which is created, and thankfully the Doctor Who team seems aware of the importance of this connection. The good news is that Mr. Capaldi also seems to be well attuned to this need, remarking he is already striving to find the Doctor in himself and himself in the Doctor. In the interest of proof, here is Capaldi talking about seeing the Doctor in his mirror in his interview at the end of Doctor Who Live the Twelfth Doctor unveiling special. His words assure me that no matter how who his Doctor becomes he will be a good one. For Peter Capaldi has the most important qualification of all: he is a proper fan. And fans do it right. So wonderful Whovian readers: Do you agree with my choices? Have any counter suggestions? Did I miss something really important? Please let me know below.

A person who thought a lot, then decided thinking with other people is more fun. If you fancy a chat, feel free to email