Doctor Who: 10 Clever Moments Of Foreshadowing You Probably Missed

9. The Daleks Behind The Curtain

Doctor Who David Tennant Tenth Doctor Midnight/The End Of Time
BBC Studios

The Doctor's greatest foes made their long-awaited return in the first series of the 2005 revival, with a lone Dalek squaring off against Christopher Eccleston's Ninth Doctor in the sixth episode - aptly titled Dalek.

Then, in the two-part finale, a plot twist revealed that an entire legion of Skaro's finest had somehow survived the destruction of the Time War, with the Doctor and his allies forced to partake in a series of deadly game shows as part of a Dalek scheme.

There aren't many clues throughout Series 1 that hint at this "behind-the-curtain" Dalek presence, but a subtle, rather brilliant one was hidden right at the start of Bad Wolf, the first episode in that two-part finale.

After the "100 Years Later" title card, the Doctor bursts out into the main room of the Big Brother house. Here, look at the wall on the right-hand side of the shot to see some paintings hanging on the wall - paintings that just-so-happen to bear those iconic "Dalek bumps", worn on the outside of each Dalek's metal casing.

While this sort of thing might seem obvious when someone points it out, it really isn't obvious at all while watching the episode normally! Our attention, naturally, focuses on the Doctor - making any other details in the scene easy to miss.

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