Doctor Who: 10 Clever Moments Of Foreshadowing You Probably Missed

8. Amy Pond The Pirate

Doctor Who David Tennant Tenth Doctor Midnight/The End Of Time

The Curse Of The Black Spot is a meaningless, throwaway episode overall. It doesn't really contribute anything to the ongoing arcs of Series 6, and its plot is so thin that the Boatswain - one of the supporting pirate characters - literally vanishes midway through, only to reemerge at the end with no explanation.

It is a fun episode though, with several memorable moments scattered throughout: the best of these being a scene where a no-nonsense Amy Pond brandishes a sword at the Doctor and Rory's pirate captors, scaring them half to death.

As it turns out though, this moment isn't as throwaway as the rest of the episode that surrounds it - it's actually a neat piece of foreshadowing for the tenth episode of the series, the phenomenal The Girl Who Waited.

During that episode, Amy is trapped in a faster time stream, forcing her to live in the Two Streams facility, alone, for several decades. She has to fend for herself and fight off hordes of sinister Handbots, and in doing so, she relies on her favoured weapon, a weapon that The Curse Of The Black Spot established her affinity for - a sword.

Doctor Who The Girl Who Waited Amy Pond sword

It's a subtle bit of character work that connects the two episodes, retroactively lending Amy's pirate-y antics more weight than they initially seem to have.

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