Doctor Who: 10 Clever Moments Of Foreshadowing You Probably Missed

7. Pizza Geronimo!

Doctor Who David Tennant Tenth Doctor Midnight/The End Of Time

When the Doctor is trapped, vulnerable, and in desperate need of help, who do they call? Well, when you've lived for thousands of years, there's probably an infinite amount of phone numbers that come to mind, but in the 2009 Easter special Planet Of The Dead, the Tenth Doctor decides to give his old pals at UNIT a buzz.

Stuck on a barren desert planet with no obvious way to escape, Ten hopes that UNIT can offer him some much-needed assistance, but on his first attempt, he accidentally dials the wrong number, phoning up a random pizza place instead.

For obvious reasons, most viewers won't think that the name of this pizza place is particularly important, but since we're bringing it up here, you can probably guess that it is! It actually foreshadows the impending arrival of the Eleventh Doctor, or more specifically, his favourite catchphrase: "Pizza Geronimo."

Considering that the word "Geronimo" is just too specific for it to be a coincidence, there's no way this wasn't a nod to Smith's incoming Doctor - and due to the slightly muffled nature of the dialogue, most people missed it entirely.

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