Doctor Who: 10 Clever Moments Of Foreshadowing You Probably Missed

2. The Suspicious Stairlift

Doctor Who David Tennant Tenth Doctor Midnight/The End Of Time

In an episode full of surprising moments, arguably the most surprising moment came at the very end, with the Doctor freeing Clara from the slimy clutches of a dream crab... only to discover that she's 62 years older than when they last met.

Surprising, yes, but impossible to see coming? No. In fact, the "old Clara" reveal was pretty much given away right at the beginning of Last Christmas, with the second shot - literally, the second shot of the episode - panning through Clara's house, where attentive viewers will be able to spot a stairlift running adjacent to her banister.

The shot is so brief - and the scene is so darkly lit - that this detail is genuinely difficult to pick up on, but there it is, right in plain sight. Moffat, you smug git.

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