Doctor Who: 10 Defining Moments Of The Ninth Doctor

10. A Visit To The End Of The World

Everyone dreads the day our planet will reach its end but fortunately for the current generation, they€™ll all be dead when it happens (sorry - that probably wasn't as reassuring as it should've been!). Everyone would also like to see what it would look like, though, if it wasn't followed by the human race's untimely distinction, of course. Rose Tyler got the best of both worlds in The End of the World when the Ninth Doctor decided to take her to a gathering to see the death of planet Earth and to celebrate its life. On one hand, viewers would see this as a selfish act on the Doctor's part but on the other, the people watching would see it as something special. Rose witnessed the event that no other human of her time would ever see. Nevertheless, this is a moment in which the Ninth Doctor and Rose bond really began to form.
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Ben Jones is a Doctor Who contributor/writer for the website from Wrexham. Whenever he's not writing articles, he's either playing guitar or watching television. Maybe both.