Doctor Who: 10 Defining Tenth Doctor Moments

4. Did You Miss Me? (The Christmas Invasion)


"Did you miss me?"

A Doctor's entrance can be just as key as his exit, and while Tennant has lines and scences before this, this moment is really his big entrance to the plot. It's fantastically built up, as the other characters suddenly realise that they can hear the Sycorax Leader speaking in English. Then the camera swoops towards the TARDIS doors as they open to reveal the Tenth Doctor standing there in his borrowed dressing gown.

For all the brilliant construction of the scene, it would have fallen down if Tennant hadn't managed the delivery of the line. He does, however, bringing every once of charm that we'd see over the next few years and instantly winning over all manners of fans. Whovians answered the question with a resounding yes, because they had missed the Doctor, and with his first appearance it was clear that Tennant was undoubtedly the Doctor.


Adam Livermore hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.