Doctor Who: 10 Defining Tenth Doctor Moments

5. The Master's Death (The Last Of The Time Lords)


"How about that? I win?"

This is another moment where the Doctor's words don't matter as much as the performance from Tennant. In fact, the Master arguably gets the better of the dialogue as he dies, getting the last boast over his mortal rival by claiming that he has managed to win their duel after all.

Admittedly, Ten does have lines here, pleading with the Master to hang on to life or regenrate from the life-threatening bullet wound that his childhood friend has suffered. However, it's Tennant's facial expressions and body language that really make this moment work; he really gets across the desperation the Doctor is feeling trying to keep the Master alive, and the sheer outpouring of emotion after the Master dies shows just how much this matters to the Doctor, and how much pain has been caused by events.

It's another fantastic performance from Tennant, and shows again why he is one of the best Doctors.


Adam Livermore hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.