Doctor Who: 10 Defining Tenth Doctor Moments

2. Rose Tyler, I... (Doomsday)


"And I suppose, if it's my last chance to say it, Rose Tyler, I..."

Voted the greatest science fiction television moment of all time in a recent poll, this had to make the list somewhere. It's probably the most memorable moment of the second series of the revived Who, and is the electrifying conclusion to the Doctor and Rose's character arc together.

Well, until she returns in Series 4. And again in The End of Time. But you can't have everything, can you?

With Rose trapped in an alternate universe The Doctor burns up a supernova to send his image across the dimensions in order to say goodbye to her. The goodbye, and the sense of finality about proceedings really ramp up the sadness of the scene. That the Doctor doesn't get to finish borders on heartbreaking, and the look on his face afterwards is shattering. Fans around the world shared in the Time Lord's heartbreak, cementing the meeting in Bad Wolf Bay as one of the most memorable moments from the revived series of Doctor Who.


Adam Livermore hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.