Doctor Who: 10 Deleted Scenes You Have To See

4. Bingle Bongle Dingle Dangle

In the classic Series 3 two-parter Human Nature and The Family of Blood, the Tenth Doctor disguised himself as a human and left his ever loyal companion Martha Jones, who was assigned in the role of his maid as part of the charade, a list of instructions to ensure that she kept on top of things during his downtime as John Smith.

The somewhat annoying fact the Doctor would never have had the time to even record this video message in the first place (where did it even come from!?) can be overlooked thanks to this hilarious deleted scene which reveals what David Tennant was really saying when Martha was seen fast forwarding through the majority of his ramble.

As the actor points out, he had to talk to the camera "without hesitation, deviation and whatever the other thing is" which resulted in him going off on one about his favourite band The Housemartins (the best gig he ever went to was one of theirs in around December 1990) and something else about his most despised fruit (which is the pear, by the way, if you're curious).

He finishes it off with some strange noises which quite simply have to be seen to be believed. Luckily for you, you can enjoy it in all its bingle boggle dingle dangle glory in the player above. Allons-y!

Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via