Doctor Who: 10 Deleted Scenes You Have To See

3. Cyber Cliffhanger

The fourth series of Doctor Who reached its climax in what can only be described as one of the most explosive finales in the show's history and it all ended with a heartbroken - and not to mention drenched - Tenth Doctor who, after saying goodbye to each of his companions in turn, was left to face the prospect of continuing his timey-wimey adventures alone.

Luckily for him (but not so for us) he'd only have to get through a handful of specials before his imminent regeneration so at least he wasn't going to be all by himself for much longer. What's more, it made for a fitting and intimate conclusion to what had been a truly Earth-shatteringly climactic two-parter but the show is acclaimed for its end of series cliffhangers which were at this point guaranteed to rocket the show off in an exciting new direction before forcing fans to wait months to find out what would happen next. Damn you, Russell!

There was a time where Journey's End would have continued that trend as the original script involved two Cybermen appearing in the TARDIS behind the Doctor (careful now!) to affirm their involvement in that year's Christmas Special The Next Doctor. The scene didn't make the final episode, though, when it was decided that the final image of the Doctor all alone in the TARDIS was so powerful than it would have only been diminished by the stomping arrival of the metal monsters.

Besides, everyone already knew that the Cybermen were coming back so would it have even shocked anyone anyway? The final version was much more poignant but for the sake of "what could've been", the alternative ending was including on the Series 4 boxset.

Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via