Doctor Who: 10 Episodes Perfect For A Film Remake

8. Utopia, The Sound Of Drums And The Last Of The Time Lords (Tenth)

sound of drums This is the best season finale that ever came out of the RTD era (and I will defend that opinion to the death). A three parter with multiple bombs dropped in each episode: humanity survives, but is not happy. There is another Time Lord. It€™s the Master? It€™s the Master! Oh dear, it€™s the Master and he€™s Prime Minister. He€™s taken over the world, he€™s destroyed it, Martha is a badass. The Master€™s captured Martha, Martha is a badass, the Master bought into his own hype and the Doctor is Jesus. Taken as one long episode the three-parter runs over two hours, so they€™ve got more than enough material for an adaptation. All we€™d need is a bigger budget to properly show both the end of the universe, the destruction of Earth at the hands of the Master and perhaps a little more in-depth look at pre-Time War Gallifrey and the childhood of both the Master and the Doctor. Yes please. Perhaps a little less Rogue Traders during the Master€™s plan next time around.
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I'm a 19 year old Arts student from Melbourne Australia, who finds it really awkward to write in third person. Other things I do awkwardly are watch TV and write far too much about fictional characters.