Doctor Who: 10 Episodes Perfect For A Film Remake

9. City Of Death (Fourth Doctor)

doctor who angels This is a famous episode in the history of Who, mostly because you can literally see Lalla Ward and Tom Baker falling in love with each other onscreen. A historical conspiracy, the creation of life on earth, six Mona Lisas. You can€™t help but love it and to top it off, John Cleese cameos as a pretentious art critic. A straight remake would do here, keeping the original Douglas Adam€™s script intact €“ because how many more of those are lying around? You€™d need an older actor with great chops (and even greater teeth) to play the Fourth Doctor, and a younger woman with the charm, innocence and wit of Lalla Ward€™s take on Romana €“ any ideas? I€™m sure John Cleese could be convinced to return for a couple of short scenes.
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I'm a 19 year old Arts student from Melbourne Australia, who finds it really awkward to write in third person. Other things I do awkwardly are watch TV and write far too much about fictional characters.