Doctor Who: 10 Famous Writers The Doctor Has Met

9. Winston Churchill – Victory of the Daleks

Doctor Who The Shakespeare Code William Shakespeare

Winston Churchill wasn’t just a politician and a soldier, he also wrote several books during his life. Besides publishing his speeches, he also wrote several volumes on the history of the First and Second World Wars, an autobiography, a book on painting and a novel called Savrola. Churchill even won a Nobel Prize in Literature in 1956 for his oratory and factual writing.

It is during World War Two that the Doctor and Amy visit Churchill, in Victory of the Daleks. Unlike the other meetings on the list, however, this is not by accident. The PM and the Timelord turn out to be old friends, and Churchill had actually called for the Doctor, hoping for his help with the war effort. This established relationship is great to watch, with the Doctor quickly butting heads with the stubborn Churchill.

For those interested in his historical works, Churchill’s volumes on the First and Second World Wars are available to purchase online - along with many, many books about the man himself. Churchill also turns up again in Doctor Who in The Wedding of River Song, and appears in several Big Finish audio adventures.

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A freelance writer and Doctor Who fan.