Doctor Who: 10 Famous Writers The Doctor Has Met

8. King James II – The Witchfinders

Doctor Who The Shakespeare Code William Shakespeare
BBC Studios

King James was the ruler of Scotland and England in the 17th century. Obsessed with witches, he wrote a book expressing his views on witchcraft called the Daemonologie, which is why he gets a writing credit here. His belief that witches conspired against him helped fuel a panic that saw thousands accused of witchcraft and killed.

Because of this, the Doctor’s encounter with him in the Witchfinders is understandably complicated. While he is not technically the villain, the Doctor doesn’t want him, or Mistress Savage, killing innocent women. So, under the guise of witchfinders themselves, Graham and Ryan try to keep them busy. It doesn’t work forever though, and eventually the Doctor herself is accused.

This leads to a great scene where James tries to interrogate the Doctor and she gives him a speech about knowledge, and good and evil. Sadly, she doesn’t convince him to set her free. Despite all this the Doctor does, of course, save him from the aliens.

The Daemonologie is still available to buy online, in both its original form or translated into more modern English. There are also history books available that look at his life and his personal involvement in the witch hunts.

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A freelance writer and Doctor Who fan.