Doctor Who: 10 Great Fourth Doctor Stories

3. Keeper of Traken/Logopolis (Stories 114/115, 1981) Now I suppose most people would count these separately, and I can understand that, but to my mind they really need to be considered one story. Heck, if I was doing an overall list, and not a list by Doctors, I€™d consider €œCastrovalva€ to be a part of this, too. These stories, and indeed the entire season in which they take place, play up the theme of entropy. Given that €œLogopolis€ features the death of the Fourth Doctor, that makes total sense. They also reintroduce the Beef Jerky version of the Master, introduce the Anthony Ainley verison of the Master who would be such a menace in the Fifth Doctor€™s era, and introduce new companions Tegan (Janet Fielding) and Nyssa (Sarah Sutton). Also, Adric (Matthew Waterhouse) is there! Ok, I know most of you hate him, but I still like him, darn it. From what you can see in that previous paragraph, these are clearly €œimportant€ stories, but they are also extremely good. Very well-written, with some great dialogue that does a wonderful job of tying up the Fourth Doctor€™s time on the series, and enable us to say a fond farewell to someone who, for better or for worse, was on the job for a whopping seven years.
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Chris Swanson is a freelance writer and blogger based in Phoenix, Arizona, where winter happens to other people. His blog is at