Doctor Who: 10 Historical Figures The Doctor Should Totally Meet

1. David Starkey

David Starkey I must admit, I am running slightly out of ideas. And David Starkey isn't a historical figure. Or particularly well known. But, he is a famous historian who has made it his job to study and tell others about historical figures. And he's a firm favourite in my history class. So, wouldn't it be fun if, while he was filming something for TV, with dramatic fanfares and lots of walking, the TARDIS arrives. It could be some ancient Roman site or something, with the Doctor aiming for 14AD and ending up in 2014AD. It would be extra funny if Starkey walks into the TARDIS while being filmed. Anyway, he and the Doctor could have plenty of historical debate and then they take Starkey to the very period of history that he was talking about, everyone learns something new, and Starkey gets a lovely trip in the TARDIS. Yes, as he said, it's pretty much only 'history geeks' who would know who Starkey is, but he could be in Doctor Who playing himself. It would bring him loads of publicity and maybe get viewers into history - something I'm sure Michael Gove would approve of. It would also be pretty funny to make up some historical myths and get the Doctor to rewrite them into an established truth. So, you heard my (somewhat esoteric) views on who the Doctor should meet, but I'd love to hear other people's too via the comments. Also, please let me know if you didn't know who some of these people are!!

I am just starting out with writing, but love Doctor Who with a passion.