As I write this Doctor Who fandom is in a state of excitement. After rumours knocking about for a long time, missing episodes that haven't been seen for well over forty years have been returned to the BBC. All we really know about this is that there's a very good chance that in the next week or two we'll have seen some episodes that the majority of us haven't seen before. We don't know how many episodes have been rediscovered, we don't know which Doctor they feature be it William Hartnell or Patrick Troughton and we don't know if they're going to complete some missing stories or if they're just more 'orphan' episodes, filling a gap in the archives but not completing a serial. Most of all, we don't know how many episodes have been found, various sources are claiming that it could be anything between two and a hundred. A number that a few sources are settling on at the moment seems to be nine, but it's all moving very quickly. With all this in mind, we shall now look at ten stories that are incomplete that really shouldn't be, something that will hopefully be changed within the coming weeks. Of course it would be fantastic to see absolutely everything but here is a list of what people seem desperate to watch. Be warned that this article will contain spoilers of episodes potentially about to be rediscovered.
Honourable Mention: The Invasion - 2/8 Episodes Missing

This is an eight part epic featuring Patrick Troughton's second Doctor facing off against the Cybermen as they attempt to invade Earth. This story is absolutely fantastic and effectively works as a pilot for how the series will be for the next few seasons, introducing UNIT and the concept of Earth being very prone to invasion. However, The Invasion is available on DVD and has been since 2008, with the two missing episodes reconstructed through some excellent animation by Cosgrove Hall. As a result, we can effectively enjoy this story in full. Other episodes have been animated but The Invasion led the way and the quality of animation here has by far been the best. Obviously, should the actual episodes turn up then nobody would be disappointed, but they're certainly not a priority.