Doctor Who: 10 Incomplete Stories That Really Need To Turn Up

10. The Myth Makers - 4/4 Episodes Missing

10 The first Doctor gave the Greeks the idea for the wooden horse that was used to invade Troy, according to this story. Just like The Romans a year earlier, this serial is a bit of a comedy. Plenty of funny moments are scattered throughout this one, including companion Vicki being mistaken for a prophet and the Doctor complaining about the cramped nature of the wooden horse. The soundtrack certainly makes it sound like William Hartnell is thoroughly enjoying himself, and judging by the few images that survive from this one, the model work was fantastic. The final episode also features the introduction of the very short term companion, Katerina. Only one episode featuring her so far exists and it would be nice to see some more.
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I'm a scriptwriting graduate and a keen writer. A huge Doctor Who fan, amongst other things. I'm a teacher, novelist and occasional DJ with many interests.