Doctor Who: 10 Incomplete Stories That Really Need To Turn Up

2. Fury From The Deep - 6/6 Episodes Missing

02 Six unique episodes with a unique alien and countless unique ideas. This story takes something we've all encountered and makes it very sinister indeed. This is of course, seaweed. This story features a few action sequences, a tense atmosphere and one of the most emotional companion departures in the entire series €“ that of Victoria, whose story began in an emotional way and ended similarly. The Victorian orphan finally found a new family to settle down with and left the TARDIS, greatly upsetting both the Doctor and Jamie, the latter having developed strong feelings for her. Very little footage of this story exists but the soundtrack makes it out to be a dark, chilling and emotional tale with many visual aspects. Personally this is the story I want to reappear the most, however fandom seems to understandably have greater priorities...
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I'm a scriptwriting graduate and a keen writer. A huge Doctor Who fan, amongst other things. I'm a teacher, novelist and occasional DJ with many interests.