Doctor Who: 10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About The TARDIS

6. The TARDIS Sound Has An Evolution

It seems difficult for most fans to remember a time when the TARDIS didn't make its trademark wheezes upon materialisation and dematerialisation, but, in actuality, there was quite a long period before the TARDIS sounds were finalised into what they know them to be today. One of the first TARDIS landing shots was seen in the fifth serial of the first season, with First Doctor William Hartnell piloting, and, surprisingly enough, the TARDIS materialisation is completely silent. It wasn't until the third serial of the second season when the TARDIS started to make the wheezing sound similar to the one that most fans today know and love. The evolution, however, didn€™t end there. For a while, the TARDIS€™ landing and takeoff sounds were the same, before it was reversed to create a distinct materialisation noise towards the end of season two. In the third series, however, fans once again regressed to the same sound for both the TARDIS's landing and takeoff. Finally, after quite a lot more tinkering (including some brief blips as the TARDIS bleeping in a computer-like manner), the finalised sound was heard properly in the 10th anniversary special, The Three Doctors. And it wouldn't be the TARDIS without its fair share of glitches since!
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Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.