Doctor Who: 10 (More) Actors Who Could Replace Jenna Coleman

9. Bryan Dick

Why he should be: Bryan Dick is a fantastic actor with a great amount of range who has sort of been hovering around guest starring on a lot of BBC shows. He€™s been an alien sneaking his way into the team in Torchwood and a war veteran ghost in Being Human. The first shows that he has the potential dark edge to pull off the dangerous Doctor/Companion relationship that Moffat is after and can handle the conflict and ambiguity to make for a really interesting series. The latter role showcased his vulnerability, suggesting that he has the emotional range to make the fans empathise with his character. The experience of the Whoniverse as a result of being in Torchwood will probably help too, as Dick knows a little bit of what to expect. He€™s got experience of a lead role as well, having been Ernie Wise in the TV Movie Eric and Ernie, which suggests that he€™d be able to be good in the lead role of a TV series. It would also be a good chance for him to showcase his abilities, like it was for the likes of Billie Piper, Karen Gillan, Jenna Coleman et al. Why he shouldn€™t be: While he was technically in a lead role in Eric and Ernie, he felt much more like a supporting actor as Daniel Rigby stole the majority of the scenes he was in with his performance as Eric Morecambe. The scenes that Rigby didn€™t steal tended to be stolen by Vic Reeves as Morecambe€™s Dad. Making his presence known seemed more of a struggle for Dick, suggesting that he might not be the best person to put opposite the ferocious force of acting that is Peter Capaldi. He also doesn€™t have the charm of someone like Morgan, which might prevent him from making the instant impact that a new companion needs to fend off the naysayers. He€™d be very good in the long run as he can pick away the layers of a character, but whether he€™d be able to make the initial connection and get the chance to do that is another matter entirely.
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Adam Livermore hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.