Doctor Who: 10 Most Annoying Companions Of The Revived Series

5. Rory Williams

Also known as 'The One Who Always Died'. Seriously, did the universe have some sort of secret vendetta against Rory Williams or something?! The poor guy was killed off so many times that it was more of a surprise when he actually did make it through an entire episode alive, and who could forget that one time he came back as an Auton who proceeded to shoot Amy Pond in the stomach? Talk about a rough day! Yes, it's no exaggeration to say that Rory had a rough old time of it aboard the TARDIS. It's even worse that he initially thought that the Doctor was a fabricated fragment of Amy's childhood before the man himself popped out of the cake at his stag do to tell him - in front of all of his friends, no less - that his fiancée was a great kisser. It was all downhill from there, really, as Rory finally discovered the truth about Amy's imaginary friend. He'd previously met him in The Eleventh Hour, of course, but he was in such a state of shock throughout that he probably forgot the whole thing even happened. The humiliation of learning that your future wife had ran off with another man on the night before your wedding seemingly wasn't enough, though, so Steven Moffat continued to stab the knife even further into Rory's back by killing him off in practically every episode. Don't get us wrong, it was a brilliant twist at first, but how many times can you realistically watch Amy crying and screaming into Rory's dead shoulders before it just isn't entertaining anymore? Even Rory himself commented that he was spending more time being dead than alive, and that's when you know it's all getting a bit too silly for words. He didn't learn his lesson, either, because he kept on dying right up until the bitter end before he finally popped his clogs - for the last time - when he was zapped back to the 1950s by a Weeping Angels in The Angels Take Manhattan. And no, none of that storyline makes any sense, either, but let's not get into that discussion today. Besides, you wouldn't want to keep the next entry on this list waiting...
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Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via