Doctor Who: 10 Most Annoying Companions Of The Revived Series

6. Captain Jack Harkness

Captain Jack Harkness is the marmite of the Doctor Who universe. It's safe to say that you either love him or hate him and that's largely down to the fact that he manages to take over each and every scene he's in. If you're a self confessed 'Barrowfan' then it's probably like Christmas Day has come early but then there's the rest of us who find his constant flirting and overly 'charismatic' charm completely nauseating at best. Yes, he likes sex but why on Earth does that mean he has to try it on with anyone - and anything - with a pulse? He possesses a surprising lack of self control for a guy who literally waited centuries to be reunited with the Doctor, although admittedly none of us can comprehend just how boring that must've been. Of course he needed to do something to pass the time but you probably don't even need a pulse because that's just how he rolls. That's funny, apparently, although the 'no pulse' thing is probably something that's much better suited to the post-watershed realms of Torchwood. Speaking of which... Russell T Davies evidently decided that viewers hadn't already seen enough of Jack when he took all of his clothes off (for apparently no reason whatsoever) in the Series 1 finale so he went and gave him his own spin off series in which he got up to all kinds of unearthly shenanigans. He encountered - *ahem* - an alien which fed off orgasmic energy in the second episode which pretty much set the precedent for the rest of the series. It gets real dark, real quick. Oh, and the fact that he's immortal is bloody annoying, too. It was fun, at first, to anticipate how he'd manage to pop his clogs next (a glass bottle in the stomach... really? Trampled by a horse?! Now that's just plain careless!), but it soon became infuriating that the only character who ever gets killed just so happens to also be the only one who can never actually die. Rather convenient, don't you think? Still, maybe the writers feel this way, too, and that's why they enjoy killing him off so much. Like the Master once said, "He's not dead for long. I get to kill him again!" Captain Jack Harkness. The ultimate play thing. No, not that sort of play thing...
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Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via