Doctor Who: 10 Most Controversial Mythos Changes Of NuWho
8. Trenzalore
Since the revelation of the Time Lords in the Second Doctor's last story, The War Games, fans have learnt more and more about where the Doctor has come from. However, it wasn't until Trenzalore that viewers got a sense of where the Doctor might end up, when it revealed where our beloved Time Lord is destined to die. While fans did get to see the Doctor's grave, time changed as a result of the events of The Time of the Doctor and the Doctor never popped his clogs after all. However, Trenzalore's impact didn't stop there. For the first time (in the TV show itself, at least), the Doctor stays somewhere to defend it, giving up the wandering he's been doing for nearly all of his life. He also gets a new goal - searching for his home planet, instead of running away from it. These are important developments in the Doctor's character, and Trenzalore was the catalyst. It was also where the Doctor gained a brand new cycle of regenerations, allowing the series to continue for many, many years yet. Which is reason enough to celebrate, right?