Doctor Who: 10 Most Controversial Mythos Changes Of NuWho

4. The End Of Time

Throughout the history of the show, TIme Lords have always been bureaucratic, keepers of time with a policy of non-interference in the universe. This policy has been to the Doctor's frustration at many a point, but aside from the odd individual (the Master, Borusa, the Rani), the Time Lords have never been outright evil antagonists. However, after The End of Time that seemed to have changed. The dire straits of the Time War appeared to have pushed the Time Lords to their limits and beyond, and now the central council were hell bent on destroying all of reality, making them no different from the Daleks. While they were restored (mostly) to their good guy status in The Day of the Doctor, it was still treading new and surprising ground for the series. The Time Lord President is also important. In Doctor Who lore he was one of the three figures that created Time Lord society, and his tomb plays a huge part in the Five Doctors, where it turns any Time Lord seeking immortality to stone. Here, he's been resurrected and is actually seeking immortality himself, suggesting some big changes in a character that holds a key to the show's mythos.
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Adam Livermore hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.