Doctor Who: 10 Most Cringeworthy Moments Of All Time

8. River Song Innuendo And Snogging

For some she's Doctor Who's best ever female character, as close as we've yet come to a female Doctor Who. However, for many others, Mrs Who is often an absolute toe-curling embarrassment. Many Moffat written women seem to be sex mad but River Song seems perpetually to have sex on the brain, never letting an opportunity slide to slip in a quick double-entendre. Who can blank from their memory the "I'm quite the screamer" moment, for example, much as we'd like to. NuWho has firmly established that the Doctor is much more of a physical man than we previously knew but with River - and after - Doctor Eleven became that worst of things - the dirty old man. If the pair of them going at it with their mouths wasn't bad enough, we then had Eleven, obviously having a mid-life crisis, coping off with a super nun and checking out Clara's backside. Ugh.
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Writer of The Blog of Delights, a review site covering film, TV, cult TV, books and audio. Fan of Dr Who, Bond, X-Men and Marvel. Also the writer of e-book 'Fictional Legends: Doctor Who - the TV Adventures' for Collca.