Doctor Who: 10 Most Heart-Breaking Moments

2. Amy's Goodbye

Arthur Darvill put it best on his Twitter account the evening the final episode featuring The Ponds aired, saying only "Best of luck cry babies." rory Any audience member who'd paid attention at all knew that this was the final Amy-and-Rory episode. And for the less observant, it's spelled out quite blatantly in the book chapter titled Amy's Last Farewell. The episode follows Rory as he is cast back into the early 20th century Manhattan by the notorious foes the Weeping Angels. The Doctor, Rory, Amy and a broken-wristed River Song elude the Angels and trek to an apartment building, entering a room labeled with Rory's name. In a flashback to the earlier episode Blink, we watch as the aged version of Rory dies in his bed. Amy is crushed, but adamantly refuses to accept this version of reality. Amy and Rory jump together off of the rooftop, committing to either create a paradox to erase this version of history or die, albeit together. The end of the episode sees the group walking through a graveyard in the modern day. The Doctor and River clean the TARDIS and joke around. A happy ending. Then another angel comes from behind Rory, again sending him to the past. The nearby tombstone has Rory's name etched on it. Amy, crying, steps in front of the angel to again be sent back to Rory. The Doctor screams at Amy as she turns away from the angel to be sent back in time to be with Rory forever, as she's supposed to be. S***, is it dusty in this office or is it just me?
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