Doctor Who: 10 Most Heart-Breaking Moments

1. Number Ten Tells Rose That He... I think everyone saw this one coming. The Tenth Doctor is forced to abandon our beloved Rose Tyler in an alternate universe and we watch as they try to communicate one last time by a holographic version of Skype. Unfortunately, the connection isn't the best and it cuts out at a somewhat inopportune time. I don't even have anything clever or witty to say about this one. If Shakespeare were alive, and I have it on good authority that he may be, he would take Romeo and Juliet and re-title it Rose and the Doctor. Are there any heart-wrenching moments from the Doctor that I've missed? There's no need to sonic-screwdriver the article, just comment below or shoot me a message @BeastDuels on Twitter
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Nick Fulton hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.