Doctor Who: 10 Most Poetic Moments

3. Bad Wolf Bay (Doomsday)

Doctor Who

Rose Tyler was with the Doctor from the very beginning of the revived series, and through their adventures they developed something of a romance, albeit one that was never openly acknowledged during their time together.

After Rose becomes trapped in a parallel universe, it seems as though it's the end for the pair. And it is, all but one final farewell that the Doctor manages to transmit using the energy of a supernova through the last tiny breach between universes.

The resulting scene is as emotional as they come, and both Rose and the Doctor break down in tears as they share their last stolen moment, ending in Rose confessing her love for the Doctor.

He begins to respond in kind, but the transmission cuts out before he can say the words, leaving us with a shot of Tennant's tearful face alone in the TARDIS.

It's poignant, beautiful, and absolutely heartbreaking to watch.

Oh, and for one last piece of evidence that the pair belonged together, the place in which the Doctor's transmission came through was Bad Wolf Bay, which somehow made the scene between the two even more poetic.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.