Doctor Who: 10 Most Shocking Moments

7. The Demise Of Peri


What happened to Peri in Trial of a Time Lord, at the end of Mindwarp, was jaw-dropping. It had people talking, and people still talk about it to this day, for in a later episode in the Trial of a Time Lord, we find out by the Master that Peri survived. This was extremely disappointng, because Peri was taken and had her brain replaced with Lord Kiv's by the scientist Crozier. Her body existed, but her mind was no longer hers. The Doctor rushed to rescue her, but by this point the Time Lords at Gallifrey decided something had to be done as things had gone too far, and recalled him to Gallifrey, leaving Peri to her fate. The Doctor watched what happened to Peri at his trial and his reaction was that of devastation. The High Council leads him to believe Peri is dead, and they were involved in killing her. The Time Lords used King Yrcanos to destroy Peri (Kiv) and Crozier. As Crozier was successful in the brain transplant, the Time Lords found he was a threat to the natural order of things, and they had to intervene, and quickly. The Doctor became angry over Peri's unnecessary death and was determined to find out the real reason why he was taken away. This was another shocking moment, as the Doctor would never leave his companion or companions behind. So in this story, we get to see how cruel the Time Lords can be.
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I am a sales associate by day, and 3D artist and writer at night. I have a passion for Doctor Who, especially the Fifth Doctor era. I go to conventions when I have the funds, and I also make costumes on my spare time.