Doctor Who: 10 Most Shocking Moments

8. Death Of Sara Kingdom


No actual footage exists at all for this particular moment. Just like the death of Katarina, the death of Sara Kingdom takes place as part of the Dalek's Master Plan. It was gruesome too, for the time in which the episode was made. The Doctor and Sara happened to be near the Time Destructor, and being a Time Lord, the Doctor was not affected as quickly as Sara, as she was human. He fell to the ground, while Sara aged to death. There is a reconstruction of this particular part, and it is still rather eerie to watch. She becomes an old woman, collapses to the ground, and as Steven comes out, he calls out to her, as her bones wither away. It's truly a shame this doesn't exist because this is for the most part the most disturbing scene in the Hartnell era, and if it had not been wiped or went missing, I think to this day, this moment would make viewers gasp. The only other really horrific scene I can truly think of was in Sylvester McCoy's episode Dragonfire, but this one is more crucial, because Sara was more of a companion. As of late, people have been considering her a companion because she's actually traveled in the TARDIS even more than Liz Shaw, and Jean Marsh, who played Sara, has reprised the role for Big Finish as of recently.
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I am a sales associate by day, and 3D artist and writer at night. I have a passion for Doctor Who, especially the Fifth Doctor era. I go to conventions when I have the funds, and I also make costumes on my spare time.