Doctor Who: 10 Most Unlikely Allies Of The Daleks

1. The Alliance

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The unlikeliest race to ally with the Daleks... was all of them.

A deadly team-up consisting of the Doctor's greatest enemies, the Alliance was led by the Daleks in an attempt to 'save the universe' from the Time Lord.

Appearing in 2010's The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang, the Daleks worked alongside former enemies the Cybermen, as well as Autons, Sontarans, Silurians, Uvodni, and Judoon.

Fearing the destruction of the universe supposedly caused by the Doctor, the Daleks helped trap him in 102 AD within the perfect prison - the Pandorica. However, by trapping the Doctor in the Pandorica in 102 AD, the Daleks and their allies actually doomed the universe, and in turn, they were all reduced to crumbling stone and dust.

Reawaking in 2010 through the regenerative powers of the Pandorica, the only members of the Alliance left were the Daleks.

This wouldn't be for long - as a vengeful River Song destroyed the last Dalek and the Doctor rebooted the universe so that this powerful team-up never happened.

The Alliance is proof that while the Daleks may think that other races are inferior, they share one common goal: defeating the Doctor.

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Eden Luke McIntyre is a Scottish writer, editor and script consultant, with an MA in TV Fiction Writing. He writes content for TV, radio, stage, and online, and was appointed as a BBC Writers Room Scottish Voice in early 2020. Eden can usually be found rambling about Doctor Who, The Beatles, and obscure things that no one cares about.