Doctor Who: 10 New Pictures From The Christmas Special

8. Clara Returns... For The Last Time?

After parting ways with the Doctor in the heartbreaking closing moments of the last series, Clara Oswald will be back in full fighting spirit in this year's Christmas Special, though unfortunately it doesn't look like there'll be much merriment waiting for her underneath the tree, either. The BBC has so far managed to remain particularly tight lipped about the events of this end of the year special (more so than they have in previous years, anyway), which has only served to make the fevered fans even more desperate to know what lies in store for the Doctor in his tenth annual festive adventure. Rather unsurprisingly, though, with the future of Jenna Coleman's stint in the series up in the air, this time the majority of the ongoing speculative conversation is being formed by the furtive fate of our impossible girl instead. For all the fans know, Last Christmas may well turn out to be Clara's final escapade with the Doctor, and its elusive title certainly does seem to suggest such (though there are 4 other things it could mean, too). The actress who plays her has been keeping her cards close to her chest too, affirming that "it's much better if nobody knows" which way her character's story is ultimately headed, although she has also pointed out that she doesn't think she "could go back to just having a normal life again". Hmm. Only time will tell, of course, and thankfully fans don't have much longer to wait to find out what exactly this Christmas has in store for Clara Oswald. Hopefully she won't be too cold in that dressing gown, either!
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Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via