Doctor Who: 10 Nu-Who Characters Who Were Just Totally Unlucky

10. Lady Cassandra

Ok, let€™s forget for a moment that she€™s lived a long and happy life and focus on the fact that she is essentially a piece of skin with a brain attached. Just let that sink in for a moment €“ so desperate to hang on to life, by any means necessary, this particular character would spend her last remaining years as what can only be described as a poster. Not enough? Alright how about the fact that the second time we meet this particular character, she is not only skin, but skin that we€™re led to believe was harnessed from a place that is usually reserved for sitting. Not embarrassing enough to be a brain in a jar attached to an immobile, unmoving piece of skin Lady Cassandra is also €“ as Rose so eloquently puts it €“ talking out of her€ You get the point. Alright, let€™s add another layer to our story. Very few individual characters take on The Doctor more than once €“ The Master is of course one, but generally speaking the bad guys come and go. So how unlucky is it, then, that Lady Cassandra would run into The Doctor not once, but twice. In all of time and space, the only Time Lord left happens upon her plan to live forever in €œThe End of the World€ and then would come along again to save Rose from the psychograft, leaving her with no alternative but to finally succumb to death. Pretty unlucky really.

Doctor Who, WWE and Liverpool fan with a huge vocab... vocabu... who knows a lot of cool words.