Doctor Who: 10 Nu-Who Characters Who Were Just Totally Unlucky

9. Danny Pink

The only real love interest in the life of The Impossible Girl other than, perhaps, The Doctor. Clara Oswald€™s main squeeze through the entirety of Series nine wanted nothing more than to spend his time with the woman he loved without the distraction of our favourite Time Lord. Being the nice guy that he is, Danny would never outwardly tell Clara he didn€™t want her to travel with The Doctor, but fans could read between the lines. The fact is, Danny is a good guy. This is pretty clear from the first moment we met him €“ his emotion at a question as to whether he€™d killed someone separated him from many of the €œsoldiers€ that fans encounter throughout Doctor Who. Of course, Whovians later learn that the death at his hands was that of a child, and that death has haunted him every day since Just when Danny Pink seems to be on the verge of getting everything he€™d ever wanted everything changes. As Clara declares her undying love, Danny is hit by a car and killed. He is then forced to face his biggest regret, before being turned into a Cyberman. Of course, he saves the day but Danny is lost, and with it his hope of a normal life with The Impossible Girl.

Doctor Who, WWE and Liverpool fan with a huge vocab... vocabu... who knows a lot of cool words.